Indian baby names

Indian baby names

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Indian Baby names with meanings

Congrates! You got or are going to get a newborn baby soon.

Our database has 50000 names baby for you to choose from, together with their meanings in diffrent orgintaion like Hindus, Muslims,Christion, Jain and Sikh.

We have collected all these names baby from diffrent sources and most of the names were suggested by our visitors.


History of Indian baby names

Indian family baby names vary from region to region and they are influenced by religion and caste and of course this tradition of naming is changing slowly nowadays. For many Indians, their birth name is different from their official name. The birth name starts with a letter auspicious on the basis of the person's horoscope. Also, numerology plays major role in naming the baby boy names or baby girl.
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Tips to choosing Indian baby Names

Naming your baby boy or girl is so important. You have to live with the baby name for your entire life, you may have to call or hear the name a million times. Also, baby name should be easily roll off others tongue and should have some meaning and it is good to have a rare baby name then a common one . So, keep in mind these hints when choosing Indian names baby for your new baby.


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Top Indian baby names


New Indian baby names


Choosing a names baby by birth star

It is quite common amoung some communities of Hindus to choose the names of their kids from the birth star. Here we provide a table with birth stars and the corresponding syllable the name should start with. This chart with names starting letters/ syllables and birth star is for reference only and it is advised to consult an astrologer for a final decision on the same.

  1. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Ashwini
  2. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Bharani
  3. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Karthikai (Krithika)
  4. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Rohini
  5. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Mirugasiridam (Mrigasira)
  6. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Thiruvadhirai (Athira)
  7. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Punarpoosham (Punarvasu)
  8. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Poosham (Pushya)
  9. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Ayilyam (Aslesha)
  10. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Magham (Magha)
  11. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Pooram (Purva Phalguni)
  12. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Uthram (Uttara Phalguni)
  13. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Hastam (Atham)
  14. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Chithirai (Chitra)
  15. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Swathi (Chothy)
  16. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Visagham (Visaka)
  17. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Anusham (Anuradha)
  18. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Kettai (Jyestha)
  19. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Moolam (Moola)
  20. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Pooradam (Purva Ashadha)
  21. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Uthradam (Uthra Ashadha)
  22. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Thiruvonam (Sravana)
  23. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Avittam (Dhanishta)
  24. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Sathayam (Satabhisha)
  25. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Purattathi (Purva Bhadra)
  26. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Uthrattathi (Uthra Bhadra)
  27. Choosing Indian baby names for birth star Revathi

Choosing an Indian Baby Names based on Numerology?

Numerology can play an important role in personal destiny. Why not use the power of numbers and letters to start your child off right? You can choose a baby name that reflects a combination of positive traits by studying this ancient science based on numbers and their meanings. Name numerology can also help you as a parent to make wise choices for your baby's success and well-being.

How play role on naming your baby

In keeping all the above factors in mind, have collected traditional baby names, modern baby names with numerical values in different Indian origins like Indian baby names, Hindu baby names, Tamil baby names, Muslim baby names, Christian baby names Jain and Sikh baby names.


Indian Baby names

Tamil Boy baby names

Tamil Girl baby names

Hindu Boy baby names

Hindu Girl baby names

Muslim Boy baby nasmes

Muslim Girl baby names

Christian Boy baby names

Christian Girl baby names

Sanskrit Boy baby names

Sanskrit Girl baby names

Greek Boy baby names

Greek Girl baby names

Sikh Boy baby names

Sikh Girl baby names

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